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Growth Blog

Gifts for Customers: 6 Tips & Ideas for Holidays and Other Occasions

Posted by Jeshua Zapata on Dec 23, 2013 4:51:00 PM

describe the imageDid you know that American Express conducted a survey of 500 businesses, and 41% plan on sending gifts to their customers this Holiday season? So with so much to do, everyone is scrambling! How can you tell customers you appreciate their business?

Breathe. Pour a cup of eggnog and consider these tips from the Xzito elves:

Tip #1: Not all customers are treated the same: statistics show us that 20% of your customers make up 80% of your revenue. Consider breaking your customer list into 2 groups for gifts and communication: the top 20% and the remaining 80%. For example, the top 20% can receive a card and a tangible gift, and the remaining 80% can receive a card and email.

Tip #2: Consider Long Term Gifts: Candy will disappear pretty quickly. But imagine how many times a leather portfolio will be opened at meetings in the year ahead? Consider tangible gifts your customers can use on a daily basis.

Tip #3: Consider CA$H Coupons: Giving an amount of cash for your products or services is always a popular idea to re-ignite relationships and start the year with some new orders. Just remember to include limitations and deadlines.

Tip #5: Go for Quality every Time ... even if it means scaling back a little. If your budget is small, compensate with thoughtfulness, sincerity and style. A personal hand written note goes a long way. As they say, it's the thought that counts.

Tip #6: Leverage Technology: There are many websites that will wrap your gift and add your personal card. Consider using amazon.com and sendoutcards.com

What’s the perfect finishing touch? A phone call placed right before the holiday break. If it’s impossible to call all your clients, aim to call most of your top 20%. Even if you leave a voice message, this gesture will go a long way toward spreading good will and creating long-lasting relationships.

Share your ideas, tips, and/or past experiences in sending gifts to your customers in the comments below.

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