What if you could increase your sales by 125%? The easiest way to increase sales is by servicing and supporting your existing book of business, the people who know you and trust you. Did you know that the probability of closing new business with selling an existing customer is 60-70% higher than a new customer, which is 5%-20%? Do the math, if you focus on connecting more with your existing customers you will see an increase in your profits! In this article we have put together 4 quick tips to increase customer profitability.
Create more targeted marketing messages
Build and nurture customer relationships
Increase customer retention
When segmenting your list, think about common desires, needs, and wants that a particular group of contacts have. For example, some segments include: location, repeat customers, on-time customers, by product, similar interests, and so on.
Targeted messages, after sales services, and constant communication with your current and existing customers are key to customer retention, more sales, and as a result, increase in profits.
The possibilities are limitless with targeted email marketing. Give each customer what he or she wants, and see how your customers' interaction, engagement, and interest in your brand grow and expand.
Regularly producing top-notch content will brand your company as an authority in your field. It is also a great way to showcase your industry knowledge to inactive customers.
Your existing book of business is your gold mine. This blog and its facts established that it is 60% to 70% more likely to close new business when seling to existing customers that an existing customer, so, what are you waiting for? Start by implementing the tips outlined in this blog and... ka-ching ka-ching, see how your sales department boosts their sales!
What successes and/or challenges have you encountered when marketing to existing customers? Have you used any of the strategies mentioned above? We invite you to share your ideas and comments below!